Reimagining manufacturing: Penn State campus paving way for industry's future

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 leads 智能制造 project in partnership with MIT and Arconic

约瑟夫Cuiffi, Penn State alumnus and current assistant teaching professor and program coordinator of 机电工程技术 at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, 在学校实验室工作. 古菲正在引领一股潮流 CESMII grant-funded project team working on creating a 智能制造 educational toolkit and curriculum that will be utilized in his classes and for external industry workforce development. 以麻省理工学院正在研发的机器为基础 并向Arconic咨询行业专业知识, Cuiffi will introduce the toolkit in an educational setting with EMET and business students in an integrated spring 2019 class, 但这个项目有可能超越课堂 for industry workforce development.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — Rapid advances in technology have not only affected the field of information technology or computer science, 但也影响了几乎所有的商业和行业, 包括制造业. 人工智能等事物的推进, robotics and data analysis is fueling the proverbial flame of what some believe will be the next industrial revolution, 被一些人称为“工业4”.0.”

“现在的大问题是,我们需要与行业建立更密切的关系, 不仅仅是在研究方面, 还有教育方面,凯文·斯奈德说, 财政大臣 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. “We are in the process of finding what it is that business and industry need for 行业4.0, 更重要的是, what skill sets students need for success over the course of their entire careers in a world that will keep changing.”

斯奈德, 以及新肯辛顿校区的教职员工, 一直在与当地和区域的商业和行业领袖进行探索, government officials and school districts ways to increase awareness of the need for an 行业4.这种心态预计将跨越各个行业和每一代人.

It was this ongoing discussion that spurred a partnership between the campus’ four-year 机电工程技术 program, Arconic and a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 三合会现在已经成为一个由政府资助的团队, 由免费mg不朽情缘试玩校友约瑟夫·库菲领导, 助理教学教授,EMET项目协调员 at the 新肯辛顿 campus.

清洁能源智能制造创新研究院(CESMII) 最近公布的入选项目只有10个, 包括Cuiffi团队, 与美国各地的智能制造计划有关. CESMII为选定的项目投资了大约1000万美元. 

“我们期待推动商业实践, enabling technology and smart-manufacturing capability and workforce development through this investment,吉姆·韦泽尔说, CESMII临时首席执行官. “每个项目都展示了行业之间强有力的合作伙伴关系, 学术界和政府的合作将带来无与伦比的成果.”


“这个项目是建立一些教育工具包, 不管它们变成什么形式, 但关键的部分是它也有一个机械部件,库菲解释道. “We will be developing a curriculum around this machine that teaches people how to think about 智能制造 concepts and things such as large data sets, machine learning and decision augmentation as part of the learning environment.”

的 proposed simulator will include machinery and software aspects that imitate a functioning 智能制造 system. 以麻省理工学院正在研发的机器为基础, 并向Arconic咨询行业专业知识, Cuiffi will introduce the toolkit in an educational setting with EMET and business students in an integrated spring 2019 class, 但这个项目有可能超越课堂.

“的re are pieces of this out there, but it hasn’t congealed or come together,古菲说. “I’m hoping that working with CESMII will allow us to network with everyone and create this common platform that everyone, 包括行业, 可以访问.”

Advanced manufacturing is a topic at the minds of many industry leaders in western 宾西法尼亚, an area of the state that has seen the rise and fall of certain industries and has an aging workforce. While the simulator and curriculum will be important for future students and professionals, current workers in manufacturing settings will also benefit by gaining awareness of how the industry is changing and how they can build upon their skillsets.

“有时候工业在某些技术上落后了, 甚至与我们口袋里的手机相比, 但这是有原因的, and some of the ways we manufacture is just a generation behind when it was built,库菲说. “That doesn’t mean we need to replace it; it’s more about augmenting it, 增加智能决策工具与传感器和数据收集, 还有机器学习和智能决策.”

“的 more that we’re able to bring it home to people in their own workplaces, 更好的,斯奈德补充道。.

的 CESMII grant allows the 新肯辛顿 campus and its EMET program to be a leader in 智能制造 education, 然而, 斯奈德计划扩展工业.0 discussion into other realms to benefit Rust Belt communities like 新肯辛顿.

“I think this grant with CESMII is in some ways a game changer for us,斯奈德说。. “It allows us to really take the lead in some areas and become the campus and region for workforce development with 行业4.0. 我们从未有过这样的机会. 我们可以为人们和我们的社区做一些真正伟大的事情.”

事实上, 斯奈德 hopes to have 新肯辛顿 become a replicable model for reinventing small towns affected by industrial downturn.

“Our first goal is to ensure that we are preparing students for a world that is changing in a way we can’t yet predict and prepare them to survive and thrive in that world,斯奈德说。. 第二个目标, 这是相关的, is to try and find a way for towns around us to become part of and thrive in an 行业4.0的世界. 我们有机会在这里建立一个利基市场, 一个任务, and create a value to towns like 新肯辛顿 that are throughout 宾西法尼亚 and throughout the country — Rust Belt cities that will be 左 behind if we don’t get them integrated.”


“我真的认为令人兴奋的部分不仅仅是获得这笔资金, it’s making 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 the home of this and really getting on the map for it,古菲说.
